Friday, August 28, 2009

Wellignton Rocks - 5.2

Last night we got to experience our first New Zealand Earthquake, a 5.2. Many of us are on higher floors in our accomodations, so we were woken by some brief, but noticeable swaying and shaking. For more details on the earthquake:
Our NZ GeoNet "Felt It!" report:
Submitted Fri, 28 Aug 2009 at 07:42
Time and date of the earthquake Fri, 28 Aug 2009 at 02:10
The location where the earthquake was felt 58 Tory Street, Wellywood Backpackers, Wellignton
Where were you at the time of the earthquake? Indoors
What was the built environment? Business/industrial
What were you doing when the earthquake occurred? Sitting/Lying
How would you best describe the shaking? A jolt or mild, but unmistakably an earthquake
Please select the type of building or structure: Multi-storey building
If you were in a multi-storey building, what floor were you on? Fifth Level
If you were in a multi-storey building, what is the total number of storeys? Six
Did hanging objects sway? Don't know/Not applicable
Did objects such as glasses, dishes, ornaments or other small shelf items rattle, topple over or fall off shelves? Don't know/Not applicable
Were cupboard or appliance doors thrown open? Don't know/Not applicable
Did any small items of furniture, appliances (such as TV, computer, microwave) or light machinery slide (not just sway) or topple over? No
Did any large fixtures, appliances (such as fridge, stove or filing cabinet) or heavy machinery slide (not just sway) or topple over? No
Check which services failed, if any:
Was there any damage to the building itself, the hot water cylinder, chimneys or exterior water tanks? Don't know/Not applicable

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